Giving the Cold the Cold Shoulder

Have I ever told you how much I hate the cold?

I hate the cold more than just about anything else in the entire world. I hate living in stupid Alberta where more often than not, it’s cold. I hate how cold sticks to your bones and causes your entire body to tighten up. I hate how it’s not easy to just go for a walk or kick the kids outside, because everyone has to find a million things before they can even set foot out there. I hate how late I sleep because the thought of removing myself from beneath my warm blankets is just too much to bare. And I hate how I spend entire days just downright grumpy because my stupid fingers won’t work because of the stupid cold.

Okay, I’m breathing. It’s okay. I think I’m done. Phew!

You know what, no… I’m not done. One more thing! What I hate the absolute most, more than the actual cold itself, is the tease of warmth prior to being slammed back into a terrible cold. That is the absolute worst. You start feeling all good, you wear your hair up because your ears are no longer cold and you finally get to see what your winter jacket looks like without eight sweaters under it and your walk is no longer an icy mess and then wham! All hope is pulled right out from under you and Summer seems like it’s never going to happen, and even if it does, for how long?!?

There… Now I’m done.

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